Saturday, October 30, 2004

You know what other song I like?

Some Girls. "I'm like a soda that's been shaken up, boom." Brilliant.

I have actually studied this morning. I gave up. Fuck it all.

You know how I was so proud of learning the chi-squared formula? (Well, probably not, but I was.) The fucking thing's written in Eton Tables, so I didn't even have to bloody learn it. Fuck.

Confidence intervals are what's going to fuck me up. Must avoid at all costs.

Three hours to go...

I really do need to stop saying fuck.

Steff Is Going To Fail Stats. It Will Be Fun.

You know what's interesting? Everyone was going on about JC writing a song about falling in love with an alien, but Split Enz did it years ago. And in their song you can actually tell it's about an alien, with such informative lines as "My love is alien". [This is a clever was of saying that I have no idea which song is the alien one on Schizophrenic, if in fact it is on there.]

But that got me to thinking. Poor Boy is such a JC song. I mean, could you not see him standing there, heavily emoting while singing "What more can a poor boy dooooooooooooooooooooooo"? It would be excellent. And it has fabulous JC-worthy lines such as "You're looking at an interplanetary Romeo". Although that one might be a bit of a mouthful. How about "I'm never going to see her face/Between us there's too much space"? It even has the whole 80s thing going on. Which is not really surprising, seeing as how it was recorded in 1980.

What more can a poor boy doooooooooooooo?

I love that song.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Red Bull is disgusting.

We had the Red Bull Bimbos invade the hostel, so now Steff has free energy drink. Excellent. Maybe this stuff will work. It's a bit like medicine - the yuckier the taste, the better the effect. Which is why Lift Plus tastes nice but has all the energising effects of a stats lecture.

Studying sucks. At least I now know the chi-square formula. Chi-squared = sum of [(oij+eij) squared/eij]. That would have been so much easier to write if I had the correct fonts. Good old Greek.

And now I must stop procrastinating. Must study. If only I wasn't sitting next to the heater. I'm overheating, but when I open the window I freeze cos it's blowing a bloody gale outside. Fuck.

Must stop saying fuck. Blast.

Amusing quote of the week: Mary talking about the Lizard's complaining about having to drive in Wellington: "'I can't believe you made me drive as soon as I got off the plane.' HARDEN THE FUCK UP." Or something to that effect. It made me laugh. Good old growly Mary.

Must stop saying good old.

Blaaaaaaast. I don't wanna study. Unfortunately, as my exam is tomorrow I probably should, so away I go. Study study study!



I'm sick of study. And I haven't even done that much.

Don't worry Mary, nobody's worried about you.

I have a rather large stir-fry for dinner. It amuses me.

Ah, emails. They are my friend.

OK, that was grammatically incorrect. And I'm starting to sound like Mary. I'm going to morph into a big mix of Mary- and G-Money-ness: Odd and bitter. And Mary and G-Money will have bits of me (cos I exploded) so The Steff will live on. Fabulous.

I wanted to start off with "well.." but the last two entries had that, so I thought I'd be original and not.

I've done a whole 2 and a half hours of study today, but i think something actually went in, so that's good. If in doubt, complete the square! That is my advice.

And now I am at, your online source of classic literature, trying to find something to read. Ahhh, ebooks. They'll never replace the real thing. The experience just isn't the same. 'Must reads' : the Scarlet Pimpernel [read it.], Mansfield Park [read it.], Erewhon....haven't read it. Hmmm.

Is amusing that 'read' (reed) and 'read' (red) are spelt the same. What if lead and led were spelt the same? And just to be confusing, i'll say what if lead (leed) and led (lead) were spelt the same?
The English Language is a marvellous thing. That's right, it's M-A-R-V-E-L-L-O-U-S. Yes, indeed it really is a marvellous effort that...

Mary starts quoting the twelfth man. Mary should go do work. But she is going to have toasted sandwiches for dinner. Mmmm, cheese and pineapple....

And now I am off. Away, away let us haste, to the butterfly's ball and the grasshopper's feast....

Don't worry about me.

Well, you learn something new everyday.

The air of contentment is also evident in his private life, underpinned by a four-year-long relationship with partner Kelly Payne, who lives with [Steven] Fleming in a stylish villa in the Wellington suburb of Wadestown.

Proximity. Heheheh.

Of course, Mary would already know this. Bloody Mary.

They were talking about ghosts and poltergeists and other such stuff on the radio this morning and now I'm scared. I don't like ghosts. Whooooooooooooooooooooo.......

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Well, Mary's doing better than Steff.

Test statistics suck.

Did you know that before good old Bob came along, Martin Devlin was the Edge's breakfast host with Jay-Jay?

I need to turn off the radio.

The sign test is less powerful (more conservative) than the t-test, ie. It requires more evidence before it rejects H0. However, it is more robust to errors in the data.

Man. How did I sit through this for so long?

Hang on. I didn't. Which is of course why I am now fucked.

Once again, Mary is studying hard.
Am actually up to the 11th of May in my calc notes. Go me. Have so far today killed a spider, eaten three scones, and been up for three hours. Not exactly the most productive of days.

Did have a reason for posting, but forgot it. Am downloading 'Mysterious Girl' cos I'm sad like that.

Did you know that an oblique asymptote is the front part of a rational function in standard form, a horizontal asymptote is when d1=d2, and a vertical asymptote is when d2=0?

I can only ever remember the last one. Oh well.

Anyways, I seem to have nothing to say, so will go. May return.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Hellooooooo George

You know what makes me feel old? The Edge is 10 years old. They're doing all sorts of little flashbacks and playing songs that were popular 10 years ago. Not only do I know the song titles, but I know the artists.

And they played Bob and Jay-Jay's little prank call to Paul Holmes from 8 years ago, in which Jay-Jay was pretending to be Fleur Revell. I remember when that happened. I remember the room I was in when I heard it. I remember the whole scadalous affair between dirty old Paul and nasty little Fleur. I remember when Paul and Hine's marriage ended. I remember when it began.

So, not only am I old, but I started reading gossip mags at a frighteningly young age.

The Lizard is down. G-Money is so terribly enthusiastic. Steff and Mary are highly concerned.

Steff also told G to stop leading Lizard on. Steff knows that he won't listen, as he is a moron.

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