Saturday, October 02, 2004

I am a dirty low-down no-good thieving no-gooder.

I'm turning into such a nasty person. I came home giggling about my escapades at He Who Shall From Here-on-in Be Known As G-Money's church (we stole a mat. A mat. We're going to burn in hell. God frowns upon mat thieves) and turned on my computer, and what should come up on my desktop but a wall graffitied with the word "fuck".

Steff, you shocker.

Oh, and I lost at trivial pursuit. It wasn't my fault. My questions were dumb. How was I meant to know that blanca means house in Spanish?

And finally, G-Money and I have come to the conclusion that he is a confusedsexual. He's part raging metro, part raging hetero. And that's why we love him. And mock him.

And in addition to finally, I played the organ tonight.

God save the Queen.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Be stern long ron.

Ah, anagrams. Bet you can't tell who this is.

In other news, I bought clothes. Many clothes (well, 3). And Mary has spotty shoes. SPOTTY!

Heheh. Her shoes have acne.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Cancel on Rosy.
Someone tell me, pretty please, which nsync song the above phrase is an anagram of?
I've discovered an old q-book of mine on kiwibox, and it beats me. All the things are nsync song titles anagramed, and while i can get easy ones like :
"Gap: Just do it." and "just dig to pa"

others, such as:
"Simon, be a gent." and "copy, be as cow" stump me. "adopt its jug" was elusive for a while before I clicked.

"Yo, it's Sophie Muir" escapes me. So does "Men bite a song." This one, I think, is the same as Simon, be a gent. it makes me laugh.

Mmm, mum is making a cake.

[that isn't one, just a statement of fact.]

"He Tim, You Ross, I P.I." <- have just realised this is TIPY.
"Men Singe Boat."
"to transcend a sight"
"your bed of log oil"
"i miss you, top heir" <- and so is this.
"don't twig a glide."
"Your lifeblood, go!"
"Wand, i'd toggle it."
"goodbye, flour oil." <- I'll be good for you. Heh.heh.heh.

Oh, Cancel on Rosy isn't a song? it's just something that's so true? THAT'S HELPFUL.

Lance conrosy? it torments me. Maybe the internet anagram server will have the answer...

"Nsync are cool."

God, that's lame. Right, I'm going to go away and hide my head now.

Feel free to get those other ones for me though.

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