Saturday, October 30, 2004

Steff Is Going To Fail Stats. It Will Be Fun.

You know what's interesting? Everyone was going on about JC writing a song about falling in love with an alien, but Split Enz did it years ago. And in their song you can actually tell it's about an alien, with such informative lines as "My love is alien". [This is a clever was of saying that I have no idea which song is the alien one on Schizophrenic, if in fact it is on there.]

But that got me to thinking. Poor Boy is such a JC song. I mean, could you not see him standing there, heavily emoting while singing "What more can a poor boy dooooooooooooooooooooooo"? It would be excellent. And it has fabulous JC-worthy lines such as "You're looking at an interplanetary Romeo". Although that one might be a bit of a mouthful. How about "I'm never going to see her face/Between us there's too much space"? It even has the whole 80s thing going on. Which is not really surprising, seeing as how it was recorded in 1980.

What more can a poor boy doooooooooooooo?

I love that song.

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