Tuesday, January 17, 2006

In which Mary has a dilemma.

The solution for which, thankfully, is out of my hands.
What does one do, when one has a spare room in one's flat, and one's friend is looking for a room, and,on the surface, there is no good reason to refuse them it?

Because, the Boy Next Door being the sweet oblivious lad that he is, may not have noticed that I once had a tendre for him. Probably does not know that my flat has spent the year mocking me about him.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Ah, JC

I reading a recent interview of his over at dirtypop.net which I would link but I'm not going to cos I'm lazy, and as I read through it I was thinking, "You know, he's actually quite normal." And then he said about the last record he bought: "The Madonna album. I liked it. I think she's dope, and she looks great for 47."

Let it be known that JC thinks Madonna is dope.

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