Thursday, September 16, 2004


I am incredibly tired, even after sleeping for 11 hours. Don' t you hate when that happens? I'm never going to recover from last weekend. My life is a vicious circle of assignments and fun stuff and then no assignments and no fun stuff, but to get there I have to get all the assignments and fun stuff done and then I'm too tired to do anything but sleep and be bored, and then it all starts again.

Why is it that I had to go to uni today and sit through 3 tortously long lectures and one mildly interesting tutorial, while my flatmate (the one who does talk) wagged the entire day, and Mary spent the morning blogging?

The answer to that, by the way, is because my tut is compulsory, and I'm not sure if there's a minimum attendance rate or you just have to show up everytime. And of course, my tut had to be last.

And then it was raining and I didn't have my jacket and I had to walk home in the rain and now I am wet and cold and want to go to bed but I can't cos I have to go out again to visit the people I am going to be housesitting for next week so I can get my internet connections sorted out so I can continue to complain about my life on this blog.


In other news, I have a psychology lab report due next Wednesday. I haven't started it yet. Not even the research. If this was me last trimester, I would be close to a panic attack. Now I just can't be arsed. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeep.

Yeah, cos you're sooo smooth...
Is it sad that I've gotten 3 cds in the past week or two, and my favourite is Schizo? because the bridge school concert one is pretty average, and the Outkast one [which was free] is a double album and still only manages to have one good song, which would be Hey Ya!
I'm just procrastinating, should be at uni doing my maths assignments and my tutorial essay [which will take a whole 5 minutes]. [the essay. not the assignments].

Conversation hotter than a fireman engulfed? JC, that's lame.

......and that's just nasty.

instead i am at home listening to schizo, eating scones [must buy cereal. am sick of scones for brekkie], and blogging. And lying to promosquad. "No, I'm not familiar with Brian McKnight."

Aragorn has leapt off my wall and he won't go back. Stupid blutack.

the shaaazay cafe has the nsyncerator linked, feel the pride. course, i did give her the link....but that's okay. they didn't HAVE to link it. And now i feel immense urgency to hide stuff.

And now i should really be constructive and get ready for uni. i'm feeling lazy so i'm gonna catch the bus. i walked yesterday AND the day before that. So there.

And now I am going.

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