Monday, March 19, 2007

Oh. God.

Well, here it is, 10.30 at night, and I'm trying to download WordViewer so I can actually print my handout for school tomorrow. Fun Fun Fun.

I want to be back in Wellington. I quite want to give this lesson tomorrow, just to see how it goes. It's all All Blacks and exciting statistics. I want to be back in Wellington. There are good things there. And I don't just mean George.

Ooh, goody. Only 49 minutes left on my download. Yaaaay. What's the bet it cancels or the computer crashes or something. Bloody dialup.

Sorry to be so negative, but I feel it. I'm not sure if I'm meant to be teaching Classics tomorrow or not. I really need to, to get my 20 classes, but I'm not sure if I'll make it. However, I think I'm going to be teaching a hell of a lot of maths, so that is in my favour. I really don't know if I'm meant to be doing it...I could be preparing something, right now. It's on Gaza, and Alexander's arrival into Egypt.

All I know about that is:
There was a siege at Gaza.
The people of Egypt welcomed Alexander.
They had been oppressed by the Persians.
They called Alexander the son of Ammon.
He built a city called Alexandria.
He went to the oracle at Siwah, which told him something which is not recorded.

At least I think it's going faster than it's meant to be, 38 minutes to go. Only about a minute faster, but every little bit helps.

Right, I should work on Gaza. That would be a useful way to spend my time.

Or I could text George. Hmm. The options...What shall I do? 20 minutes to go...
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