Sunday, November 05, 2006

Hello, George...

Isn't life a fun place? It's all completely random. Am interested to know whether or not George could in fact remember the address to this site...I would've, if I were George. But then I am not, and possibly have more interest in my thoughts than most other people.

In fact I would say there's not much "possibly" about that.

Going back to life being a fun place, I can't remember why I said that. Possibly it had something to do with the things I planned to do this weekend that I have not done. Man, wanted to bitch at InvisiGirl this morning. "Did you guys just get up? So much for the study..." [subtext: I am bitter because you refuse to come to my thing.] Excuse me if I want to sleep in for the first time in a week that has been remarkably stressful after going to bed at 3.30 (I shouldn't read in bed) and then not sleeping well because my teeth still fucking hurt.

Ah, the joy of ranting. It's so ...cathartic. It's my new word, so I hope it's spelt right. Do you think it's significant that spelt is an anagram of slept and I wrote that first? I don't.

I need to do some laundry quite badly, but the weather is shit. And I'm being very illspoken today. Shocking. Stupid fucking dictionary page won't load - that's why I'm online - so I can't get past line 35 of Menander. I should skip it and go on... I need to get through this whole play, Hesiod and Hecuba by wed morn...and re-read most of Aristophanes' plays. I've read Acharnians, Wasps and Clouds again...that leaves 8, and I could probably skip Frogs and Wealth if I had to. Oh, the fun times of study.

I guess it's part of life. Man, there are lots of shades of green.
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