Monday, December 05, 2005

Steff's Interesting Day

Have you ever noticed how all the news-worthy things happen on the same day? I mean, the fact that I got asked to 2 job interviews would have been pretty exciting to me this morning. That fact that one of them was for Supre was just funny (I'm not going to the interview, by the way. No need). The fact that I went to the other one and it went extremely well is very exciting, and I was going to post about it except I didn't want to jinx it. But then I got the job, and it's full-time, and it's office work which means I get to sit down, and I don't have to answer the damn phone either, which is always a nice bonus. So yes, I have employment for the rest of the summer! Yay!

So there I was, being all excited at the prospect of being employed, sitting at my computer contemplating whether to blog (I hadn't officially got the job at this point), when I heard a noise from the kitchen that sounded like the blind flapping against the window. Odd, I thought, as the window was not open. So I went to investigate and didn't see anything. Then I heard the noise again, so I looked out the dining room window and there were 3 kids (teenagers) sitting outside underneath the back porch (which is also under the kitchen window). So I stuck my head out the window so as to enquire as to their intent, and they took off. Now, as I am a moron I thought, hmmm, waggers, hiding out on our property out of sight. So I went to see what they'd been doing, and lo and behold, they were taking out the downstairs toilet window. The little fuckers were trying to break in.

So yes. Police and parents were called, and Dad has replaced the toilet window with the new one that was going to go in there anyway.

Man, I'm so glad they didn't get in. They would have come up the stairs and my room's right there. I don't know what I would have done, cos they wouldn't have had an easy escape. That window's not the biggest of accessways, and the doors were all locked. I'm glad I checked out the noise, cos I'd written it off as my neighbour mucking about in his garage. But it just sounded too close. But surely they must have looked around the entire property to see if garage doors or windows on the deck were open, and my bedroom looks out onto the deck and the driveway, and I didn't see anything. And if they tried any of the doors I didn't hear that either. It's creepy. But actually, when I think about it, I think I'd have been alright if I caught them inside. I didn't panic while they were here, I was just pissed off. I only got upset when I called Dad and had to say it out loud (it happens to me. Expressing my anguish makes me cry).

So yes, that was my interesting day. How was yours?
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