Thursday, December 08, 2005


1. It's 3.16 a.m. and I have not come even remotely close to sleeping yet, though not for lack of trying. So I gave up and got the computer back out.

2. Poor Mary. It must get tiring going from site to site. Do you guys have any days off where you just muck about and go to Maccas? Don't worry, I'll make you a lovely brocolli dish when you get home. We've got one sitting in the fridge and no one's eating it because salad is more fun. So when you next see me you can look foward to brocolli! Exciting!

3. More disappointing news. I was going to write it in my last post as the final event of the day, but I forgot. The Beaurepairs Christmas ad had changed! It's got the song in the background, but all Vince Martin does is list the specials. It's just not the same without the cartoon birds.

4. It's really hard to type in the dark.

5. I am dying of coughupmylungitis. Stop coughing! Stop it!

6. It is now 3.25 a.m. I have the feeling I'm not really going to sleep tonight. I mean, I don't even feel tired.

7. The 23rd sounds good by the way, Mary. I can give you your 21st present as well then. The present that I have and know what I'm going to get you and everything.

8. We may be able the do the road trip still. Don't know how much time I get off over Christmas.

9. At a certain point in this post I changed from paragraphs to points. Can you guess when?

10. I need a 10th point, now that I've got this far. Oh yes. Fucking Black Caps. Stop fucking losing!

And now I will go and visit Harry Potter forums, in the hopes that there is something to read. I've already read most of Half-Blood Prince tonight. Plus listened to most of Les Miserables. And it is 3.30. Dammit.
I'm sick too. We can be sick together, on opposite sides of the world.

And at least they didn't lose by 147 runs this time. 2 is much more respectable.
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