Saturday, November 26, 2005

Live from Crete

Well, I was going to write a group email to the world, but instead I thought I'd just write it here, and then transfer bits. Or something. I already sent an email today, so another one can wait till tomorrow. Or the next day. Or something.

So, Crete. And what we did today. And yesterday.

Stephie, I miss home. Well, no, I don't miss home. I miss the people. This trip would be so much better with you and G-Money and Wonderboy and George and everyone along. We so have to come here again. It's lovely. And there are actually one or two attractive men here! Unlike Athens, where there are none.

G-Money emailed me and told me he was going to get some this weekend. Isn't he charming?

What do you want from over here, btw? Jewellery, tacky souvenir, ouzo? I don't know what to get you or The Red-Haired Girl. Or the Lizard come to that. I've got G-Money an icon, and George the Mini porn cards. I have too many damn people to get something for!

Lol. I just realised what an interesting lead-in I had to that question. G-Money's gonna get some. What do you want? Sorry. Was not intentional.

In other news, Fleming had a tumour! It was benign, but still. Fleming!

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