Thursday, October 27, 2005

Aslan Was Jesus

I'm pretty sure that's what C.S. was getting at.

*Steff finally acknowledges posts from August*

So, I should be studying for bio. However, I appear to be sitting at my computer, doing nothing of particular constructiveness. G-Money is currently going for the world record of 21-year-olds Who Act Like As Though They're 5 For The Longest Period Of Time Possible, although he did report Fuck You Dudley's naughty car-parking to the authorities, which was amusing.

Cos I'm freeeeeeeeee,

The Rock is liking their Tom Petty today. Is this Tom Petty? I think it is.

Wellington morning traffic sucks. Bloody people driving to work. Take the bus, you pansies.

I feel I am blatantly and uncreatively procrastinating. I should write a haiku or something. Or not.

It amuses me at the end of the wonderful Viscount Vagabond that the guy has been all "Dash it all, confound it, I am not a sentimental chap, I am a drunkard" all the way through, and then as soon as girl says "Oh Max, I love you with all my heart!" he suddenly turns into a tender-hearted WWII soldier and confirms this abrupt announcement by asking "Really, my darling?" or something to that effect. He says "Darling", anyway, which shouldn't amuse me but it does. It just didn't flow. I think you have to read it to know.

I really should read something of intellectual substance. My reading over the past twelve months has consisted of Gone with the Wind, Scarlett, Harry Potter x6, Mansfield Park, a couple of random Mills and Boon, and that lovely book mentioned above. Oh, and something by Mauve Binchey or however you spell her name.

At least I'm reading, I guess. And if you count all the compulsory and non-compusory readings for class and various assignments, that's quite a few words. Plus all the Salients, Dominion Posts and, ahem, Women's Days. I know that sentence is puntuationally incorrect, but italics are a pain in Blogger.

I cannot type. Time to take up that old piano again. That old piano that I have. And am strong enough to take up. With pins and a sewing machine. Should just take it up to Karori to the drycleaner's. It'd be easier, and probably cheaper.

Moving right along...

Mary is going to a wedding! I want to go to a wedding! Weddings are fun. Awwwww.

This was going to be an introspective and retrospective post on the phenomenon that was *NSYNC; however that may have to wait for a new post.

And now to publish this and wait for it to disappear into cyberspace, never to be seen again...
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