Monday, September 05, 2005

jump. JUMP. might as well jummmp...

Don't worry, am listening to Van Halen, not contemplating suicide. Need to learn to spell, wrote com instead of con, what a retard.

I love this song. It is cheerful and upbeat.

I am tired.

I scared Wonderboy by sending him a random drunken text saying I was sad. He texted me back this morning asking why, and I said because of too much wine, and something a boy said. He said boys tend to think with something other than their brains, and I should randomly text him whenever I wished.

What a nice boy he is. I freaked him out, heheheheh.

I should be doing my geometry homework, but I don't want to. It's too hard.

Well, I will stop, and go and finish my assignment, in spite of its hardness.

Ah, La Tribu du Dana...

le vent souffle sous le plein
de la Bretagne Amoricane...I can't keep up, never mind.
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