Thursday, March 17, 2005

And we have internet in our flat...

Muwahahaha, said Satan's pet goldfish.

This is brilliant news, said Steff who immediately went online to find out information on the release of the new Harry Potter book (because she is sad) and get the real deal on poor old Tuffey (because she is impressionable).

Meanwhile, we have flatmates. I feel they must have names. So, in our flat of clean kitchens we have: Steff, tortured artist and pathetic childrens' book fan; Mary, maths nerd and closet feminist; G-Money, anally-retentive organ scholar with significantly large inheritance; Seamus, extremely tall vegetarian doing the world's oddest degree; and George, of whom G-Money is his father.

How very anonymous.

And now we will wait for Mary's approval.
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