Friday, November 05, 2004

Our frieze is dying. It is very sad.

Our walls are naked. Naked! And I have no books on my desk, which just makes it look odd.

Packing sucks. I'm so neurotic. I'm not leaving for another week. My flatmate, however, leaves tomorrow, so we have to pack all the stuff in the living area so it can be inspected (so the shit doesn't land only on me).

In other news, I drank a whole bottle of wine last night. Fun times. We were all pissed before 10.30, which is just funny for me. Infiltrating groups is fun. I had a very long discussion on politics with Psycho Political Girl Who G-Money Thinks Is Hot. Alcohol does that to you.

And later, because even when I'm pissed I'm neurotic, I had the sense of mind to change the rubbish bag in my bin and put it by my bed in case of midnight vomit sessions (because I am Steff and this is what happens to me). And then I went to sleep and woke up 10 minutes later and used the bin, but it was very pleasant because I was so drunk that I just didn't care. But then I decided that if I left it for the night my room would smell revolting the next morning, so I had to get up and empty the bag into the toilet, and then I had to change the bathroom rubbish bag so that that didn't smell like vomit either from the vomity bag I placed in there (how many times can one say "vomit" and "bag" in a sentence?). So at 11.30, pissed as a fart (I love that expression), I was staggering around the apartment emptying rubbish bins.

Fun times.

And there was also the comic episode in which Steff stood by her wardrobe, pulling bag after bag out of the holder trying to find one big enough to put in my bin. When I got up this morning there was a big pile of plastic bags on my floor.

And now I must eat. Happy Guy Fawkes!

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