Monday, November 01, 2004

Oh, I am sunburnt, so very sunburnt...
cos I was sunning / myself today/
and I hurt now/ cos I am sunburnt/
please take my sunburn away....

Today I:
1. Went on a picnic with Steff and G-Money. And got sunburnt.
2. Went to cricket practice. And got a bruised shin.

Also astounded Ben [the coach] with my fantastic ability to not be able to bowl where he tells me.

3. Went to the library. Saw:
a) a man in a skirt.
b) the two guys I saw yesterday waiting for the bus out to karori. Is very odd. Went on the same bus out, caught the same bus back. Today, went into the library and saw them. Later, saw them while walking to bus stop.

4. Went to bus stop. Waited for 20 minutes for bus which was 15 minutes late.
5. Went home. Had to walk further than usual as driver is a moron and didn't stop.

Have learnt this from my studying:
to find out if a stationary point is a max/min/saddle point for a function of two variables, find the second derivatives, and make the equation:

ah(sq) + 2bhk + ck (sq)

then complete the square.
If a > 0 ,and ac-b(sq) > 0 , it is POSITIVE DEFINITE. (A minimum)
If a <> 0 , it is NEGATIVE DEFINITE. (A maximum).
If a is not 0, but ac-b(sq) < 0, it is a SADDLE POINT.

I'm so not going to remember any of this. And I only learnt it less than a month ago....

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