Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Fucken Teachnz. No wonder no-one wants to teach.
So, I want to teach maths, right? [well, that's debatable, but we won't right now.]
So I ring up teachnz, as you do, since they are the authority on such things, to find out about the scholarships they have for teachers, having already been to the website and not become any brighter.
And they say : "Welcome to teachnz, how can I help you?"
And I say: "Hi, I'm doing a degree in maths, and planning to do a DipTeach, and I was wondering about the scholarships."
And they say. "What?"
And I say: "The training allowances?"
And they say: "Right. Well, have you started?"
And I say : "Yes, I'm in my second year of my degree. I'm gonna get my BA then do a DipTch."
And they say: "Oh, you can't get one if you've started."
And I say: "Oh."
And they say: "You have to do a range of papers in many subjects, including one at 300level if you want to teach primary."
And I say: "I want to teach secondary."
And they say: "Go to the website, it has all the information."
And I say: "...okay." [Even though it fucken doesn't.]
And they say: "Do you have the address?"
And I say: "Yeah, it's teachnz.govt, right" [Which is an abbreviation. But it is.]
And they say: "Hehheh. It's"
And I say: I FUCKEN JUST SAID THAT. "Thank you."
And they say: "Enjoy your afternoon."

What a lot of help that was.

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