Saturday, October 09, 2004

Random enthusiastic blog day. Must have assignments due.

Well, yes, I do. I also have to buy food, but I keep forgetting stuff I want to say, so I have to come back and add to it.

1. Flatmate-who-doesn't-talk is going home to America on Tuesday. Apparently she's been miserable and depressed over here. Of course, she hasn't actually told us she's leaving. Management had to. Now, I don't know whether to feel bad or relieved that she's going. I mean, we've tried to talk to her and stuff and include her, but she just wouldn't. And then I got all bitchy about her messiness. And I don't know if we could have done anything to help her or not. Maybe g-money's right, and I've gone all bitter and evil. But then again, from the bits I've eavesdropped from her phone conversations home (I know...), she's been unwell and is on medication, and it sounds like she was ill when she was home too. Now, I have to ask, why would you send a shy, unwell girl who is not particularly capable of taking care of herself over to the other side of the world to live basically by herself studying some randomly picked courses at a university when she is not even studying for a degree? It just seems completely bizarre. So, while I'm trying not to avoid responsibility for all of this, I really feel like there's nothing we could have done. And yet I still feel guilty.

2. On my desk there are four books: Strangers and Friends, Homosexuality and Religion, Theology and Sexuality, and Que(e)ying Religion. Guess what I'm writing an essay on? Funny thing is, I initially was all worked up to write on the topic that religions preach peace, but lead to war, and then I got all fired up about same-sex marriage and changed my topic after writing a fabulous tutorial assignment on it. I'm arguing for same-sex marriage, because I am a caring Christian and want to prove those bastard fundies wrong. OK, so I'm a bitter Presbyterian. Never mind.

3. I am a deeply pathetic person.

4. I got an A+ on my psyc lab report. I wrote the entire thing in one night, with research based mainly on the abstracts of vaguely related reports. Am noticing a pattern here...

5. The prognoisis for my end of year grades currently looks something like this: Reli, A; Stats, B; Psyc, B; Biol, FAIL. And which paper do I actually NEED to do well in?

6. I am a deeply pathetic person. I need a distracting hobby. Or possibly I could just do some study.

7. This doesn't change the fact that I am still a deeply pathetic person. I feel I have been down this road many times before. Alanis was wrong. You don't learn, you just keep repeating your mistakes and embarrassing yourself terribly.

8. On Zach Braff's blog he pointed out that all the examples in Ironic are, in fact, not ironic. I went and listened to the song, and apart from the fabulously-worded verse about Mr Play-it-safe who was afraid to fly, he's right! And now it's pissing me off. Damn you, Zach Braff!

9. I miss McCullum.

10. I need to buy me some groceries. And some lunch. Would say ciaou, but don't know if that's how you spell it. Am tempted to write "chow". But that would be uncultured.

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