Saturday, October 09, 2004

213 people living in New Zealand in 2001 listed their religion as Animist.

One has to wonder, if the definition given by Collins Dictionary is correct and they believe that all natural objects have souls, what do they eat? Or do they just say "Screw you" to the lettuce and eat it anyway?

Meanwhile, New Zealand has 891 Satanists. Not really a particularly large call for alarm. There are over 48,000 members of Ratana, and about 15,000 who believe in Ringatu.

And 417,453 Presbyterians. Hehehe. (But not as many as the Catholics. Or Anglicans...)

By the way, this isn't procrastination. I'm doing research for my essay. I was going to text Mary, but this is cheaper. So there.

239,241 people objected to answering this question. Now, "Do you have chlamydia (sp?)?" I could understand being objected to, but "Please state your religion"? There is a "No Religion" box you could tick, like 1,028,052 other NZers did, or you could simply not state it (211,638). I think actually stating that you object to this highly offesive question is just going a tad overboard. I wonder how many people objected to answering what ethnic group they belong to. You can't help genetics, people. Excuse me while I find out...

And while that page refuses to load, I will calculate my results. And then find out how many homo- or bisexuals there are in this land of the long white cloud.

I love my essay. I've never had so much fun with my research.

Come on...

636 Hauhaus. Do you remember studying that, Mary?

1,230 people don't know their religion. You have to wonder...

237 people count themselves as Fundamentalist. This amuses me. Bastard Fundies.

Destiny does not appear to be listed. Of course, they weren't particularly famous before Brian Tamaki became political and started harrassing people. And if you don't think being blocked by black-shirted pamphlet-pushers in an already crowded, slightly claustrophobic tent until you take one of their damn propaganda sheets is harrassment, I don't know what is.

Noone objected to stating their sex. Or age. 3 people were 109 in 2001, incidentally.

About 150,000 people did not state their ethnicity. Maybe they're transparent. And have no ancestors.

42 Inuits/Eskimoes live in NZ. Awesome!

OK, I will go and do some work now. Real work. Excuse the random Destiny-related rant. I was bored.

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