Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Well, here's something you don't have to deal with very often.

So, headline in the weekend Dom Post: Deported killer on uni course. Picture underneath: friend of mine. Well, flatmate of friend of mine who I am not not friends with, if you follow. Nice guy. Turns out about 12 years ago he killed his girlfriend, and big long saga which I'm not going to get into. I had read about it in Woman's Day so I had this vague idea, but there it was for everyone to read.
So what am I supposed to think? Because I KNOW it's about the worst thing a person can do. But I don't feel any fear or aversion, or what have you. It's really quite strange and unreal. And no-one is talking about it, so does that make it worse or better?

In other news, this weekend was a stellar example of the Mary:Steff drinking ratio. It's 5:1, ish. I'm such a lush. There was no-one in the clubs though so we ended up video watching. Good ol' Colin Firth. My favourite. Apart from Mellie.
Also was a brilliant instance of Mary spending money as fast as she possibly can. I had 150 come into my account on thursday. On monday, my card declined at the supermarket on purchases totalling 12.70. [I did have some into savings. I swear!]

So it was a fairly odd weekend all up. And now it's tuesday. I've gotten my test back, and passed [just], so that's okay, and I'm feeling sick as a dog. I was so groggy before greek I couldn't focus properly [like, literally, my right eye wouldn't focus] which i think was due to 4 strepsils in quick succession [instructions: dissolve one lozenge slowly in the mouth every 2 to 3 hours.hmm, whoops.]

Anyway, it's all rather out of tune right now.
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